Create your Vendor Account through our general registration process. Choose your store name and all required info.
Use our simple verification process to verify your identity by submitting ID and proof of address.
Set-Up your store appearence, contact details products, payout settings & more.
Start receiving orders, fullfill completions, earn reviews and request payouts right into your bank account.
Have full control over your store preferences, appearance, store settings, payout methods, orders, products and reviews in one place. With our simplified and easy accessible dashboard for vendors we make sure that you have everything you need right in front of you.
We offer many different payout methods for our vendors which include Bank Transfer, PayPal, Bitcoing and other Cryptocurrencies, Skrill and Wise (known as Transferwise). Vendors are able to connect and set-up there accounts to their store and receive their payments scheduled or manually.
We understand that our vendors are the heart of Nashflare. That is why we provide full support for our sellers when it comes to questions, problems with orders or disputes with customers. We are always available to be contacted and to help with any kinds of inquiries.
We know that completing and working on orders can be time consuming and stressfull at times. We take care of customer disputes, complaints and most importantly chargebacks so that you don’t have to.
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